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Smarty SHARE: Thread Trail

In case you missed it, here's one of our popular Smarty Sunday SHARE posts from May:

  • The human spirit needs places where nature has not been rearranged by the hand of man. ~Author Unknown

The weather is warm, summer is almost here, and it’s time to hit the trail – the Carolina Thread Trail, that is. This regional network is much more than a lonely hiking trail or bike path. It’s a local gem that reaches 15 counties and 2.3 million people.

Launched in 2007 as a project focused on preserving natural corridors and connecting people to nature through a network of connected trails, the Thread Trail is led by Catawba Lands Conservancy. It’s now made up of over 220 trail miles and 13 miles of river being enjoyed by the public.

Over time the project is creating a large, interconnected trail and greenway system of natural surface, greenways, sidewalks and blueways (rivers). Think of it as a “green interstate system” of major trails and conservation lands created through local efforts throughout the region.

This is the perfect time to learn more first hand about this amazing local resource by visiting SHARE Charlotte or checking out the opportunities below. Meanwhile, you’ll get bragging rights if you can figure out what the name, Carolina Thread Trail, symbolizes! If you’re not in a guessing mood, solve the mystery here.

Wish List – It takes a lot of sunscreen to build and maintain trails spanning 15 counties! Shop the Thread’s wish list, where you’ll find they need everything from bike helmets to first aid kits.


This post by Kimberly originally appeared in the Smarty Sunday SHARE column on the Charlotte Smarty Pants blog. 

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