Wellness Action Recovery, Inc.

Bringing AWARENESS to Suicide Through ACTION (Fundraising Walk)

Join me for my very personal walk for Suicide Prevention as well as celebrate my 29th year as a survivor of suicide, on Saturday, April 27th, meeting at 8:00 a.m. and walking promptly at 8:30 until FINISHED! You can walk one more, two miles, or the entire 29 miles at your own pace. You can also donate since this is a walk to raise money for my nonprofit by using the QR code on the flyer or by clicking on the link below.

In my first year of doing this very personal walk in 2022, I walked from the University Fitness Connection to Planet Fitness in Gastonia, NC, my hometown. It had its challenges. The route wasn't planned out correctly therefore, we ended up off the course. However, when finished, we walked close to if not over, 27 miles, for 27 years as a survivor of suicide.

2023, thanks to CMPD helping me map it out, the route was one mile around uptown Charlotte. It was a lot safer, but the concrete took a toll on my knee I finished despite the pain and walked 28.27 miles.

2024, due to my knee injury from a car accident many years ago that sometimes still gives me a fit, my son came up with the idea of walking on a greenway and that is exactly what I am going to do. We will be walking on the Ruth G. Shaw (on Toby Greenway), in the University area. It is a nice walking trail with plenty of greenery and hopefully vitamin D. I will be walking rain or shine and hope you will too!

Feel free to share this with others! Suicide affects all of us whether directly or indirectly. Suicide is EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS! Every 40 SECONDS someone dies by suicide.

See the attached flyer and the link below! I hope to see you on Saturday, April 27th, rain or shine! Spread the word.

Come out and walk for those we have lost, for those who have attempted, and for those still fighting DAILY to hang on.

I am HERE because my HERO Aunt Spankie recognized the warning signs and got me the help I needed. Others can be HERE too, through caring enough to get educated! Suicide is preventable and is EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS!  Become Somone's HERO!


Event Type
Event Setting
At Nonprofit's Location

Wellness Action Recovery, Inc.
8501 University City Blvd.
Ruth G. Shaw, (on Toby Greenway)
Charlotte, NC 28213
United States

Saturday, April 27th, 2024, 8am - 4pm
Duration of 8 hours