Fight the Flame

Fight the Flame 5k and 1k Family Roll & Stroll

5k/1k Event Description
Fight the Flame 5k and 1k Family Stroll & Roll is an annual race established to raise money and awareness for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. 

Date: September 29, 2024

Located:     McAlpine Creek Park; 8711 Monroe Road; Charlotte, NC 28212

  • This is an official, timed 5k. 
  • Prizes will be awarded to the Top Winners. 
  • Medals are distributed to all participants. 
  • There is a race village where sponsors can display, and distribute information about their products and
  • We hold an amazing raffle at the event to bring in additional funds.
  • We have people affected with CRPS and their families from 8-12 states that attend the event.
  • It is at our annual event that people with CRPS can meet and friend others who have the disease. It is important to know that when you have a terrible disease that much of the medical community does not know about, they are not alone.
Event Type
Event Setting
Offsite Location

McAlpine Creek Park
8711 Monroe Road
Charlotte, NC 28212
United States

Monday, September 29th, 2025, 9am - 11am Google Outlook iCal
Repeats annually on the 29th of September, 9am - 11am for 5 times Google Outlook iCal
Duration of 2 hours