Social Venture Partners Charlotte

SEED20 Onstage!

Join SVP Charlotte for this high-energy event where 10 nonprofits pitch their compelling three-minute stories to you, our community audience. 

As audience members, you will:  
*Expand your knowledge of the Charlotte region’s most pressing issues and how these 10 innovative organizations are tackling them in unique ways.  
*Vote for this year’s Wells Fargo People’s Choice Grand Prize recipient!  
*Cheer while prizes are being awarded to the nonprofit leaders who inspired you!  

*Learn what opportunities SVP Charlotte offers the community, including the reveal of which SEED20 alumni will become our new 2025 Investee winner!   

*Enjoy a post-event reception for in-person attendees where you can interact with the nonprofit participants to learn more about their mission and how to engage.  

 There is nothing like being in the room for the magic of SEED20 OnStage. Tickets to the in-person event on Tuesday, April 1st at Central Piedmont’s Parr Center are $85 and can be purchased here. If you can't join in person, livestream tickets are $30 and can be purchased here. For all ticket holders, the 90-minute show begins at 7 pm ET. All ticket purchases include access to the replay.

Event Setting
Offsite Location

CPCC Parr Center
1201 Elizabeth Ave
Charlotte, NC 28204
United States

Tuesday, April 1st, 2025, 7pm - 9:30pm Google Outlook iCal
Duration of 2 hours 30 minutes