February 5, 2025
Grades K-5: 9:00-11:30am
Grades 6-12: 1:00-3:30pm
Dive into the engineering design process, from brainstorming to testing. Tackle real-world challenges through hands-on projects that foster creativity and problem-solving, while discovering how engineering propels innovation in aviation. Our Homeschool Days offer an immersive learning journey, where students dive deep into the fascinating world of aviation. Each of the three Homeschool Days builds on the previous one, providing a comprehensive experience that expands on the last, ensuring students gain a deeper understanding with each visit. Throughout the gallery, hands-on learning stations will engage students in interactive exploration, making these days both educational and unforgettable.
Don't miss this opportunity to spark your student's curiosity and inspire their future in aviation!
COST (per session): $25 per student; $10 per parent
SAM Members receive a 20% discount on Homeschool Day programs.
Not sure which program is right for you? Email us, and we’ll be happy to pair you with the best options for your child.
Sullenberger Aviation Museum
4108 Minuteman Way
Charlotte, NC 28208
United States