Symphony Guild of Charlotte, Inc.

Heart of the Home Tour 2025

Our popular Heart of the Home Tour returns March 28 - 29!

The Tour will feature some of the city's most beautiful private homes with the art of stylish entertaining in the Heart of the Home, along with beautiful live music from members of the award-winning Charlotte Symphony Youth Orchestras.

Design enthusiasts will have an opportunity to "ask the experts" about these beautiful homes as architects, builders, and interior designers will be on-site throughout the weekend. Find fresh inspiration for entertaining, indoors or out!

Tickets are on sale now! Purchase your ticket(s) HERE

Event Type
Event Setting
Offsite Location

Five beautiful homes in Charlotte neighborhoods
Charlotte, NC
United States

Friday, March 28th, 2025, 5pm - 8:30pm Google Outlook iCal
Saturday, March 29th, 2025, 10am - 4pm Google Outlook iCal
Duration of 3 hours 30 minutes