Arthritis Foundation - North & South Carolina

Live Yes! RA: A Personalized Goal-Setting Event
Being diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis is a life-changing experience. But there’s a lot you can do to take control of your situation – and we’re here to help you. This free event is an opportunity unlike any other you’ve had – you’ll receive expert guidance from a local rheumatologist and learn to set and track your own health goals, communicate more effectively with your doctor and other tips and tricks on how to live better with your RA. You will leave armed with the tools, education and support to start saying Yes more than No! This is a free event! Space is limited and based on first come first served.

Maggiano's Little Italy
Charlotte, NC 28211
United States

Thursday, August 1st, 2019, 6pm - 8pm
Duration of 2 hours