American Red Cross - Carolinas Region

Volunteer Opportunity:
Volunteer Drivers Needed to (Literally) Save Lives
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Blood Transportation Specialists literally SAVE LIVES every time they volunteer!

The Red Cross Transportation Specialists play a very important role in ensuring an ample blood supply for patients in need is available. A Transportation Specialist is a specially selected and trained volunteer who transports blood and blood products to hospitals for patient use as well as delivering them to the Red Cross offices for processing. Both morning and evening routes are available during the week and weekend. 

All transportation routes begin and end at the Red Cross’ Park Road office in Charlotte, NC. Volunteers will use Red Cross vehicles for routes. 


  • Valid State Driver's License
  • At least 3 years of licensed driving experience with a clean record (a Motor Vehicle Records checks will be run)
  • Must be able to lift up to 45 pounds.

Time Commitment:  Most volunteers drive at least twice a month. Depending upon the route the volunteer selects, each shift can be anywhere from 3-6 hours. 

Good for Groups?
Type of Opportunity
Monday, March 10th, 2025
Repeats daily for 365 times
Opportunity can occur at any time, day or night, within a selected date range.
Location Details
At Nonprofit's Location
Indoor Project
Outdoor Project
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