Next Step Clubhouse

Volunteer Opportunity:
Board of Director
I'm Interested!

Next Step clubhouse is a special clubhouse for those with special needs and we are looking to fill open sets on on our Board of Directors. Each of our NSC Directors brings a unique array of talents and experiences to share. As a “working board,” a NSC director is expected to play an active role in supporting the mission and vision of the organization. Some of the specific tasks include:

  1. Defining the short- and long-term mission, goals and objectives and assigning priorities among the goals and objectives when needed.
  2. Establishing the Corporation’s budget to ensure that it is consistent with a sound financial plan to achieve the purposes and objectives of the Corporation.
  3. Appointing and establishing the tenure of all officers of the Corporation.
  4. Establishing all rules for the procedure of the Corporation and its board. 
  5. Raising the financial resources required to meet the Corporation’s goals and objectives.
  6. Conducting a periodic review and evaluation of Corporation's performance of its goals and objectives.

In addition, Directors are expected to serve on at least one committee, actively recruit new board and committee members, and attend special NSC functions (e.g., A Night with Next Step (ANWNS), Next Step A Thon, and Clubhouse View N Brew).  Attendance by members of the Board of Directors is required at all properly noticed meetings, either in person, or telephonically, unless attendance is excused in advance.

If interested, please email Chris Link at

Board Member
Good for Groups?
Type of Opportunity
Board Member
Thursday, March 13th, 2025
Repeats daily for 365 times
Opportunity can occur at any time, day or night, within a selected date range.
Location Details
At Nonprofit's Location
Indoor Project
I'm Interested!