We are seeking a grant writer who believes in rehabilitation...recovery...& restoration for individuals, families, and communities impacted by domestic violence. This passionate individual must gather the appropriate documentation and fulfill the necessary requirements of various funding bodies to formally seek funding on behalf of Family Mankind. The writer must line up the mission of the funder's organization with those of Family Mankind's to secure recurring funding.This individual must know that these grants from various foundations and other funding organizations are at the core of keeping our organization into existence and primary funding mechanism so we may stay consistent in serving the needs of victims(survivors), victimizers, and those of the community citizens. We respect this individual's skill-sets because the work they provide generally is the largest most consistent blocks of funding for us. Different foundations and other funding organizations may have vastly different requirements to formally apply for a grant. Our grant writer must be an excellent researcher who not only finds the funding organization who’s grants match with Family Mankind, but also must be an astute writer who knows how to properly appeal to the funding organizations board. The key skills of a Grant Writer are: Excellent written communication skills Top-shelf research skills Ability to understand the needs of both the agency in need of funding and the organization that is offering the grant money Great organizational skills Being able to understand and execute complex instructions Outstanding computer skills
- Donor Relations
- Grant Writing