Arts For Life

Rise and Shine Breakfast Benefit at Carmel Country Club

Featuring speakers who know Arts For Life best (families and staff from the hospital) and can tell the story of how the arts have made a real difference in their healthcare experience. We’ll share a meal together, meet friends old and new, show you some of our patients’ artwork, and provide an opportunity for you to support pediatric patients and families. Breakfast is complimentary; a request for support will be made at the event. This event is open to everyone, and we encourage you to bring a friend as we come together as a community to share the joy of art in the hospital with children and families!

Event Type
Event Setting
Offsite Location

4735 Carmel Road
Charlotte, NC 28226
United States

Thursday, October 23rd, 2025, 8:30am - 10am Google Outlook iCal
Duration of 1 hour 30 minutes