Foster Village Charlotte

In-Person Volunteer Training: On-call Hospitality and Welcome Pack Team

As children and caregivers navigate a messy child welfare system, our volunteers help bridge gaps and remind families that they are not alone through the ups and downs of foster care.

Volunteers put the “Village” in Foster Village, and we’d love to help you find your fit in this village of support. This volunteer training will highlight FVC's volunteer opportunities, specifically our Welcome Pack & On-Call Hospitality Team. As a member of this team, you'll help deliver Welcome Packs, car seats, meals, and other basic necessities to children entering foster care, set up for birthday celebrations at our Connection Cottage, fulfill facility needs, and so much more. Please note this ongoing commitment is flexible.

This opportunity is for ages 18+

A light meal will be provided.


United States

Wednesday, April 9th, 2025, 12pm - 1:30pm Google Outlook iCal
Duration of 1 hour 30 minutes