Project Scientist

STEM Girls RUN the World

Project Scientist is excited to launch STEM Girls RUN The World—a virtual 5K fundraising event to celebrate the unstoppable power of women and girls and support Project Scientist’s mission to empower the next generation of women STEM leaders, innovators and disruptors. This is a flexible virtual event where participants of any age can run or walk ANYWHERE and ANYTIME between November 8, 2024—December 2, 2024.

Project Scientist is a nonprofit, started here in Charlotte, delivering high-quality experiences in science, technology, engineering, arts and math (STEAM) to girls from marginalized and underserved communities across the U.S. and Monterrey, Mexico. 

Why support STEM Girls Run The World:

  • Support Girls’ Dreams: Help Project Scientist provide cutting-edge, hands-on STEAM education programs at NO COST to young girls across the country.
  • Help Bridge the Gender Gap in STEM: Your support empowers girls to break barriers and build futures in science, technology, engineering, and math and helps bridge the gender gap in STEM. 
  • Feel Good While Doing Good: Not only do you get the satisfaction of making a difference, but you'll also earn a sense of accomplishment and belonging within a nationwide community.
Event Type
Event Setting
Virtual Event

United States

Additional Virtual Event Instructions
We invite individuals, families, and friends to participate in a fun and flexible experience by running or walking ANYWHERE an ANYTIME between November 8, 2024- Decemeber 2, 2024. Register now using the link above to secure your spot and connect with a nationwide community of STEM advocates. Refer a friend and receive a commemorative keychain medal. Plus, the registrant with the most referrals will win a special prize!
Friday, November 8th, 2024
Repeats daily for 24 times
Event can occur at any time, day or night, within a selected date range.