Birthright of Charlotte

Year Founded
Local Leader/Exec. Director
Henry Chardos, Executive Director
Primary Contact Name
Henry Chardos
Main Address

Birthright of Charlotte
4435 Monroe Road
Charlotte, NC 28205
United States

What We Do

Birthright of Charlotte is an emergency pregnancy center. Services and assistance are free and confidential and include:  free pregnancy tests, newborn clothes and supplies, as well as maternity clothes. 

We offer women facing unplanned pregnancies information and referrals for medical, financial, educational, and housing needs.  Our help is available to anyone regardless of age, race, creed, or marital status.

Birthright of Charlotte is one of 250 locations of Birthright International, which was founded in 1968 in Toronto, Canada.


Interesting Info
  • Free pregnancy tests, newborn clothes & supplies, and maternity clothes
  • All Birthright of Charlotte services are free and confidential
  • Birthright of Charlotte is one of 250 worldwide locations of Birthright International.
Geographic Location
