Chambers-McCain Foundation

Year Founded
Local Leader/Exec. Director
Robert Keene
Primary Contact Name
Robert Keene
Main Address

1800 Camden Road
Charlotte, NC 28203
United States

What We Do

The Chambers-McCain Foundation is committed to cultivating, achieving, and sustaining the highest quality of life within the greater Charlotte community through improvement in the areas of Leadership, Economic Development, Education and Social Development. Our focused activities will be around Scholarship, Mentoring, Leadership Development, and Community Capacity Building.

Interesting Info
  • The Foundation has worked closely with over 500 young men providing mentoring, scholarships and leadership development.
  • Our goals are to continue providing scholarships, mentoring and supporting the Charlotte community. We have donated over $10,000 to other community organization
  • In the past 5 years we have provided over $90,000 in scholarships to deserving young African American men.
Geographic Location

North Carolina