Year Founded
Primary Contact Name
Kate Hermsmeyer
Main Address

United States

What We Do

High School USA offers international students a life-changing opportunity to attend high school in the U.S. and live like an American teen. Play a sport, practice English, and live in the American heartland with a welcoming host family, all while gaining skills that will last you a lifetime.

Host families come in all shapes and sizes. Some have children, while others do not; some are working families, while other are retired. CIEE strives to match students with host families based on personality traits, hobbies, curricular or extracurricular interests, family make-up, and more.

The result: You become a member of the family. That means spending time together, talking, cooking, and exploring your community; it means attending festivals and local sporting events; it means grocery shopping and barbecuing in the park. More than anything, it means building relationships that span the globe and last a lifetime.

Interesting Info
  • We have students in 48 states in the US!
  • CIEE is the country’s oldest and largest nonprofit study abroad and intercultural exchange organization,
  • Our students represent over 70 nationalities
Geographic Location


Volunteer Opportunities

Host a High School Exchange Student!
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