What We Do
The mission of Crisis Assistance Ministry is to provide assistance and advocacy for people in financial crisis, helping them move toward self-sufficiency. As Mecklenburg County’s Lead Agency offering emergency assistance to low-income families, Crisis Assistance Ministry provides for basic needs with rent and utility assistance, clothing, household goods, furniture, and appliances; fosters financial stability through partnerships, counseling, and support to give families the tools they need to reach for economic mobility; and educates and engages the community to understand the realities of poverty in Mecklenburg County.
Interesting Info
- On an average day, 120 Charlotte-Mecklenburg families seek assistance here to stabilize their housing.
- Keeping a family in their home costs only a few hundred dollars per family. Homelessness can cost our community $37,000 per person, per year.
- More than 18,000 families were served at Crisis Assistance Ministry last year.
Geographic Location
Volunteer Opportunities
Snack Ministry
Repeats daily on Tuesday to Friday
Organize a Collection Drive for Essential Items (From Anywhere)
Repeats daily on Monday to Friday for 365 times
Free Store Assistant
Repeats every 52 days on Tuesday to Saturday, 9am - 4pm for 365 times
Flexible Timing