Mission: Connecting the cultural community and developing an audience for jazz through quality education, performance excellence, and musician support.
Vision: To be a catalyst for cultural enrichment and music education that brings creative inspiration to the lives of the citizens of the Charlotte region.
Jazz Arts Initiative is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization made up of educators, cultural arts patrons, musicians and individuals dedicated to the continued development of Charlotte’s arts heritage. The organization promotes quality music education, performance opportunities for musicians and their audiences, and artist support.
#BLACKLIVESMATTER Jazz music was born of the struggles of the civil rights movement. Integral to its mission, JazzArts Charlottes consistently seeks diversity and connection in everything we do.
- JazzArts Charlotte was named the "Best Arts Non-Profit" by the Charlotte Magazine 2018 BOB Awards.
- Music is proven to open up skills and opportunity to all, including leadership, teamwork, creativity, and work ethic.
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