What We Do
Lifeline Charlotte is a place for our community to come together to support those in need that struggle with food insecurity. As an international organization, we support both global and local needs and respond to help those during disasters, refugee relief, and food insecurity such as homelessness. We partner with other organizations to meet the needs in our community and around the world. At our local centre- we invite all ages and abilities to participate in funding and packing shelf stable and nutritious meals. Our mission is to mobilize, develop and empower people and communities!
Interesting Info
- we were awarded nonprofit of the year in 2022 - Cabarrus Chamber of Commerce
- our events are run by dedicated Lifeline volunteers
- over the last year we have shared over 122K meals in NC ( throughour Mecklenburg, Cabarrus counties and into the Appalacha mountains) and packed over 11.5M meal
Geographic Location