Mentally Shredded Foundation

Year Founded
Local Leader/Exec. Director
Mr. Christopher Weedon
Primary Contact Name
Christopher Weedon
Main Address

United States

What We Do

The Mentally Shredded Foundation is committed to fostering healthy communities through advocacy for mental health and personal development. Through our flagship programs like Mentally Shredded RXD and Stories of Triumph, we provide vital resources and support for individuals grappling with mental health challenges. By sharing real-life stories of triumph, we aim to inspire and empower others on their own journeys towards healing and growth. Our mission extends beyond mere support; we strive to eradicate the stigma surrounding mental health issues and create a culture where individuals feel safe to seek help and support. Through community events and ongoing initiatives, we endeavor to ensure that no one feels alone in their struggles and that everyone has the opportunity to bridge the gap between their current state and their desired well-being.




Interesting Info
  • Our programs cultivate a supportive environment for community engagement and open dialogue about the challenges each of us has encountered.
  • Annually, we host our signature event, Mentally Shredded RXD, seamlessly blending fitness activities with community-wide discussions on mental health.
  • Collaboration is essential, and we take pride in partnering with charities and organizations to cultivate healthy, supportive communities.
Geographic Location
Volunteer Opportunities

Mentally Shredded RXD
Duration of 5 hours


Mentally Shredded RXD
Duration of 3 hours
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