What We Do
Project Outpour provides free mobile showers and hygiene services to our neighbors in need. We operate our shower trailer at five locations around Charlotte every week. Services are provided at no cost to guests, and we also provide them with new shirts, underwear, socks, and all supplies needed to take a shower. We also connect them with other agencies for broader services such as housing, case management, mental health services, and more. Volunteers are always needed to help provide shower services and hygiene supplies to guests.
Interesting Info
- In 2023 we provided 1,945 showers and served 1,750 people with hygiene services
- There are over 3,100 individuals experiencing homelessness in Charlotte
- We serve at 5 locations every week around Charlotte
Geographic Location
Volunteer Opportunities
Wednesday Shower Squad Volunteer
Repeats weekly on Wednesday, 10am - 1:30pm for 260 times
Duration of 3 hours 30 minutes
Thursday Shower Squad Volunteer
Repeats weekly on Thursday, 10am - 1:15pm for 260 times
Duration of 3 hours 15 minutes
Friday Shower Squad
Repeats weekly on Friday, 10am - 1:30pm for 260 times
Duration of 3 hours 30 minutes
Tuesday Shower Squad Volunteer
Repeats weekly on Tuesday, 10am - 1pm for 260 times
Duration of 3 hours