Teal Diva

Year Founded
Local Leader/Exec. Director
Mrs. Shannon Routh
Mrs. Erin Evans, Creative Director
Primary Contact Name
Shannon Routh
Main Address

Teal Diva
1135 Four Lakes Dr
Suite E
Matthews, NC 28105
United States

What We Do

Teal Diva focuses on the mental and emotional health of those affected by a gynecologic cancer. Our goal is to meet our community where they are by connecting with newly diagnosed women, survivors, and their support network.  Our programs include, but are not limited to active treatment support, celebrating survivorship, and honoring legacies, all while providing strength through connection.

Teal Diva strives to touch every woman diagnosed with a gynecologic cancer. We honor and celebrate those who have joined or have been impacted by this unique sisterhood. Our shared stories foster strength, hope and resilience.

We advocate for young women and focus on life after cancer for survivors of any age. As unbelievable as it is, there is currently not an accurate screening test for ovarian cancer. Our mission and purpose are carried out through community fundraisers and awareness events. 

Our Yes Girl program offers volunteer opportunities allowing us to help women in active treatment with household chores or maintenance related items. We also gift financial assistance through Yes Girl. Our other programs include a custom teal colored "dignity" shirt worn while receiving chemotherapy, an annual gynecologic cancer survivor retreat and monthly survivor meetups. 

Interesting Info
  • We focus on survivor support and community advocacy.
  • The PapSmear only tests for cervical cancer. There is currently NOT an accurate screening test for ovarian cancer.
Geographic Location


Volunteer Opportunities
11th Annual Teal Diva 5k for Gynecologic Cancers
Duration of 4 hours 30 minutes

11th Annual Teal Diva 5k for Gynecologic Cancers
Duration of 2 hours
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Teal Diva Gynecologic Cancer Survivors Retreat
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Bourbon Bubbles & Bling
Duration of 5 hours
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