Women's Inter-Cultural Exchange

Year Founded
Local Leader/Exec. Director
Rhonda Caldwell
Primary Contact Name
WIE Organization
Main Address

Mailing Address
PO Box 481439
Charlotte, NC 28269
United States

Physical Location
1101 South Blvd
Suite 200
Charlotte, NC 28203
United States

United States

What We Do

Women's Inter-Cultural Exchange is organized and operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes including building and bridging social capital among women of diverse cultures, fostering cross-cultural awareness and developing the infrastructure for community dialog, engagement and programming.

Interesting Info
  • WIE has partnered with Char-Meck Schools to provide a Mentoring program for high school girls. Garinger High School was the first site to launch the program.
  • WIE offers programs for women of different cultures to talk about issues across race and culture.
  • WIE has established men's group, The Champions, that supports the efforts of WIE
Geographic Location

North Carolina