Classroom Central

Volunteer Opportunity:
Build Kits for a Cause
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Classroom Central's Kits for a Cause program can be completed by individuals, families, companies, faith groups or community organizations. Set aside an hour of your day while working from home to volunteer and build some kits. Every kit that you create will enable a child to have the most basic tools they need to be successful in school. EASY as 1-2-3 1. Purchase the kits online from our wholesale partner, saving you hundreds of dollars compared to retail. 2. The items are shipped directly to the location of your choice where you will assemble the kits. 3. Once completed, kits can be delivered to Classroom Central for immediate distribution in our Free Store. Choose from a variety of kits to build: Dental, Pencil Pouch, Hygiene, Wellness, Art, STEM, Homework, and Backpacks. Please visit Classroom Central's website for all the available resources for a successful Kit Build. Additional resources such as our Kits for a Cause overview flyer, checklist and picture guide can be downloaded directly from our site.

Suitable for Kids
Ages 5-12
Ages 13-17
Good for Groups?
Type of Opportunity
Monday, March 10th, 2025
Repeats daily
Opportunity can occur at any time, day or night, within a selected date range.
Location Details
Work from Anywhere
I'm Interested!