Help us sort rescue produce from our grocery store partners!!! We believe fresh produce is precious, and nutrient-dense fresh food should not be unnecessarily sent to landfills.
Trader Joe's, Costco, and Whole Foods will donate their unwanted produce to The Bulb; volunteers help sort the rescued produce at our hub at the Innovation Barn, compost what is past due, and repackage what is still good. When thinking about unwanted produce, think about if a bag of apples has one go bad, the store can't sell it, but we can pick out that bad one and save the good ones. We rescue hundreds of pounds of beautiful produce in every rescue, and on average, 85% of the rescue can be saved. The rescue produce will go out to our mobile markets bringing healthy nutritious produce into the communities that need it. Every sorting shift is unique because we never know what produce items we will receive that day!
No training is required! Be sure to wear comfy clothes that you don't mind getting a little dirty, as well as closed-toe shoes.
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