Donations needed for the May 18th "Share the Love" with Teens in Foster Care:
(50)-Bed-in-a-Bags (full/queen size),
(25)-New Suitcases,
(50)- $25.00 Gift Cards (for youth to purchase personal essentials) monetary donations.
Volunteers are needed for:
Admin help with the organization
Social media help for the organization
May 18th Share the Love event - Sharing the Love with Teens in Foster Care
Volunteers needed to play games
Person to create Balloons
Popcorn machine
Cotton candy machine
Ice cream truck
Large yard games.
Suitable for Kids
Ages 13-17
Good for Groups?
Type of Opportunity
Sunday, May 18th, 2025, 11am - 3pm
Repeats annually on the 18th of May, 11am - 3pm for 5 times
Duration of 4 hours
Location Details
Offsite Location
Outdoor Project
United States