Volunteers (individual or group) purchase, assemble, and drop off snack bags/packs for families seeking financial assistance or shopping in the Free Store at Crisis Assistance Ministry in Charlotte.
You'll need a budget to purchase pre-packaged snacks and time to assemble them into 75-100 bags/packs to be dropped off for distribution by our staff.
Assembly happens off-site at the time and place of your choosing, but drop-off must be scheduled using our Volunteer portal at volunteer.crisisassistance.org.
• All items should be pre-packaged or prepared and packaged offsite.
• We suggest 3-4 items per pack/bag: granola bars, muffins, shelf-stable fruit cups, whole oranges or apples, pretzels, bottled water, shelf-stable juice packs.
***Please sign up via the Crisis Assistance Ministry volunteer portal (volunteer.crisisassistance.org) and wait for confirmation before planning your assembly and drop off***