SPARK Flashcards can be completed by individuals, companies, faith groups or community organizations. Set aside an hour of your day while working at home to volunteer and get creative. 1 in 2 students in our local area live in poverty. You can help level the educational playing field for these students and enable a child to learn the basics they need to be successful in school. EASY as 1-2-3 1. Your group or individual creates flashcards using Classroom Central’s templates or you can be creative and create your own flashcards. 2. Once completed, flashcards can be dropped off at Classroom Central during our regular donation hours (Monday-Thursday from 8AM-Noon). Please call before as normal hours are currently subject to change. 3.Classroom Central distributes the flashcards to teachers and students through our Free Store program. Downloadable Flashcard Templates can be found on the Classroom Central Website. Alphabet, Shapes, Colors, and Math Items Needed include Index cards, Markers, and Zip Top bags can also be purchased through the Classroom Central Website. Additional resources such as our Flashcard overview flyer, checklist and picture guide can also be downloaded.
Classroom Central
Suitable for Kids
Ages 5-12
Ages 13-17
Good for Groups?
Type of Opportunity
Monday, March 10th, 2025
Repeats daily
Opportunity can occur at any time, day or night, within a selected date range.
Location Details
Work from Anywhere