
Some call it stories. Others call it a blog. But here you will find nuggets of goodness to use and -- you guessed it -- SHARE!

You're almost home

We have so many new Neighbors and friends (thank you!) that we decided to share this post from July 2013. It's still so very true!


When I was a kid we moved from one side of town to another. Not a long distance, but close enough to a city bus stop so that my mom's commute to work would be much easier. Still, it seemed like a major move to a 7 year old. To help us get used to the idea, every time our travels  took us past our soon-to-be new neighborhood, Mom would say "See? If we lived there we would already be home."

your favorite post: september

It's time to revisit reader favorites from September! Last month was Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, which became our focus in the Charlotte Smarty Pants post below. Check it out - we hope you find an exciting way to get involved!


“The soul is healed by being with children.” – English Proverb

Cancer and kids: it’s hard to read those two words in the same sentence.

Share With Us!

We have so much great news to share from our nonprofit partners about their amazing work. But, we'd love to hear from you. Let us know if you have stories you'd like to tell and we'll make you a guest blogger!!