
Some call it stories. Others call it a blog. But here you will find nuggets of goodness to use and -- you guessed it -- SHARE!

#SpotlightOnCLT: Down Syndrome Association of Greater Charlotte

“How do you connect with a mom when you’re feeling like, ‘I'm upset about having a baby like yours?’” she asked me. “Good point,” I thought to myself, and Shana Filkins continued to reflect on her first days after receiving a Down syndrome diagnosis for her daughter in utero. Five years ago Shana knew only one family who had a child with Down syndrome, and for two long months she contemplated and rehearsed the call she knew she needed to make to them. 

#SpotlightOnCLT: Empowering Hands for Life

A special needs diagnosis is a life-changing moment that signals a long but rewarding road of challenges and victories alike. Brian Wulf knows this all too well. As the father of two sons who live with rare disorders and multiple disabilities, Brian has chosen to dedicate the rest of his life to sharing the deep things he has learned as a dad to special needs children, as well as encourage, empower and help others through life challenges that are often overwhelming and confusing.

#SpotlightOnCLT: UMAR, The Story of Taylor Gamwell

Written by Ken Garfield

The story of Taylor Gamwell – love and acceptance for all God’s children – is the story of UMAR

UMAR was founded in 1983 to serve adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities in 11 western N.C. counties. The Charlotte-based nonprofit served 325 adults in 2019 through its 22 group homes and other residential services, job training, three arts centers and more.

#SpotlightOnCLT: Common Wealth Charlotte

If you have ever thought twice about getting medical care because you knew it would hurt your wallet, then you have been in Linwood's shoes. He needed dental work, but he didn't have the means to pay for it, even though he was fully employed. With his employer, Linwood even had insurance, but it wouldn't cover the dental work he needed. 

#SpotlightOnCLT: Community Link


Did you know that 46% of the workforce in Charlotte cannot afford safe and decent housing? This means that 46% of workers are forced to spend more than a third of their hard-earned income on housing costs alone. 

To make things more complicated for future homeowners, rental rates are increasing annually at a much higher percentage than wages. Even successful renters are continuing to find it more difficult to save enough for a down payment on a home of their own with high rent payments and basic living necessities. 

#SpotlightOnCLT: Carolina Breast Friends

No one thinks they’ll need Carolina Breast Friends. Cancer is not something we often wait for or anticipate with a list of resources. Even if there’s a family history, any diagnosis,can feel like a gut punch out of nowhere, and many may frantically Google for lifelines. Thus, Carolina Breast Friends wants to let people know beforehand that they are located right near both major healthcare centers at The Pink House at 1607 East Morehead Street.