
Some call it stories. Others call it a blog. But here you will find nuggets of goodness to use and -- you guessed it -- SHARE!

August is Black Philanthropy Month #SpotlightOnCLT

August is Black Philanthropy Month

SHARE Charlotte #SpotlightOnCLT Series

Presenting Partner: Barre Belle

Each month, SHARE Charlotte brings you a series of highlights and stories that shine a light on nonprofits you may not know of, resources you may need to connect with or share with others, and easy ideas for how to get involved. We call this series #SpotlightOnCLT.

August is Black Philanthropy Month. We will be sharing about black-led and black-benefitting (BLBB) nonprofits all month long. Plus, we'll be sure to share with you how to get involved, fast. SHARE Charlotte's mission is to help empower you to give back in ways that matter most to you.

This month, with the help of our friends at Barre Belle, #SpotlightOnCLT's presenting partner, we've put together some fast facts on the need for giving back to our BLBB community as well as an easy to read and share guide to nonprofits. 

🖤 Did you know?

  • Historically only 1% of community foundation funding is spent on Black-led, Black-benefitting (BLBB) organizations
  • 76% of these nonprofits operate with less $500K in annual revenue and a third operate on $30K per year
  • 92% of BLBB nonprofit leaders have lived experience 
  • 43% operate without full time paid staff
  • 86% have trouble accessing large funders

Learn more about the Giving Gap through the 2024 State of Black Nonprofits Report: Shining a Light on What Donors and Funders Need to Know. The 2024 State of Black Nonprofits Report underscores the pivotal role of Black-founded nonprofits as service providers, agents of positive change, and champions of racial equity and justice. This study employs an exploratory approach, drawing from existing Giving Gap data consisting of survey responses from Black nonprofit leaders as well as 990 data.

Here locally in Charlotte, BPM is a collaborative initiative led by NGAAP to observe BPM, celebrate Black giving, and advocate for racial funding equity in Charlotte-Mecklenburg.

SHARE Charlotte has 130+ Black-led/Black-benefitting nonprofit organizations on our site. Highlighted in the guide below are examples of these organizations and how you can support their work. 

Black Philanthropy Month Guide to Nonprofits

black philanthropy month 2024 share Charlotte

Want to support Black Philanthropy Month here in Charlotte? Check out some key dates:

August 1 – BPM 2024 Kickoff in Charlotte

August 9Deadline to register for Give 8/28

August 15 – Virtual Black Philanthropy Forum at Union Chapel 

August 28  – CLT GIVES BLACK, with Give 8/28


Thank you to our #SpotlightOnCLT Black Philanthropy Month presenting partner, Barre Belle. Stay tuned with us all month to learn all about Barre Belle and how they are bringing yoga, movement, and ballet to underserved kids in our community.

Barre Belle

Share With Us!

We have so much great news to share from our nonprofit partners about their amazing work. But, we'd love to hear from you. Let us know if you have stories you'd like to tell and we'll make you a guest blogger!!