DO GOOD Week 2021 (April 18-24)
DO GOOD Week | April 18-24, 2021
We all know time is a valuable thing, but do you know just how valuable yours could be to a local nonprofit? Simply put, the support of volunteers is critical and can determine the success of an organization.
Now in its fifth year, DO GOOD Week, a local celebration of National Volunteer Week, is an annual opportunity for our community to intentionally come together and give time and talent to support our local nonprofits.
No matter what cause you care about, or how you want to give your time, there is a nonprofit that needs you. Visit to DO GOOD today.
Let Us Match You!
Want to give your time but don’t know where to start? Answer three quick questions and the SHARE Charlotte team will curate a list of volunteer opportunities perfect for YOU this DO GOOD Week based on your volunteering preferences. Just go here!
No time to volunteer? You can support a nonprofit in just a few clicks by shopping their Amazon wishlist or making a financial donation.
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