
Some call it stories. Others call it a blog. But here you will find nuggets of goodness to use and -- you guessed it -- SHARE!

Smarty SHARE: Farmer Foodshare

In case you missed it, here's one of our popular Smarty Sunday SHARE posts from March:

  • It’s difficult to think anything but pleasant thoughts while eating a homegrown tomato. ~Lewis Grizzard

I love hanging out at farmers markets, surrounded by fresh, locally grown produce and jostling elbows with people who no doubt are planning to turn the gorgeous greens in their baskets into something amazing for dinner. Although I’m fairly clueless about the art of cooking, I just feel healthier – and smarter – when I’m there.

That said, all that healthy goodness can be expensive. Too expensive, in fact, for many families to afford to include it in their weekly grocery trip.

But Farmer Foodshare has a plan. Relatively new to Charlotte, they use donations of cash and produce from Atherton market customers and vendors to provide fresh, locally grown food to local agencies like Friendship Trays and St. Mark’s Soup Kitchen. They also serve as a collection site for Friendship Gardens’ Backyard Gardeners program.

I love this idea, and that in 2014 Farmer Foodshare at Atherton market donated over 400 lbs of produce to Friendship Trays. Interested in learning more? You can check them out here on SHARE Charlotte, or roll up your sleeves and get involved with this volunteer opportunity:

Donation Station Shift - Man the donation table every Saturday at Atherton market. They offer three 2-hour shifts between 9 am and 2 pm, with 1 or 2 people per shift. Kids 10 and up are welcome when accompanied by an adult.


This post by Kimberly originally appeared in the Smarty SHARE column on the Charlotte Smarty Pants blog

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