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SpotlightOnCLT: Give Blood and Save Lives with American Red Cross

What immediately comes to mind when you think of human necessities?

Water? Definitely.
Food? Absolutely.
Hygiene products? Sure thing.

What about blood? Did that make the list? If it didn’t, it should have.

Especially as it relates to heart health, blood plays a vital role in our everyday life. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NIH), “Your heart is vital to your health and nearly everything that goes on in your body. Without the heart’s pumping action, blood can’t move throughout your body. Your blood carries the oxygen and nutrients that your organs need to work well. Blood also carries carbon dioxide (a waste product) to your lungs so that you can breathe it out.” 

Did that definition make your head swim? Let me simplify it, what you need to know is that the fact that my heart is pumping blood throughout my system is the reason that I can write this article. It’s the reason technology is advancing, lives are being saved, and the people behind your favorite nonprofits can continue to better the city of Charlotte. Without blood… I think you get it. 

Now. Let’s try this again. What immediately comes to mind when you think of human necessities? Surely, I've convinced you blood is at the top of that list. Everyone needs blood to live and the need for donated blood is constant. That’s where organizations like the American Red Cross step in. 

The American Red Cross encourages eligible donors of all blood types to roll up their sleeves (literally!) to help patients in need of life-saving blood transfusions get what they need to thrive. Brace yourself, I’m about to throw some numbers your way: approximately 38% of the U.S. population is eligible to donate blood, yet only 3% donate. That means 35% are eligible and are not donating. Want to know if you are eligible? Check here.

Now, I know what you may be thinking, if only 38% are eligible to donate, that means 62% are ineligible. But if you are in that 62%, don’t be discouraged. That doesn’t mean you can’t help,  it’s up to the 62% to bring awareness to the issue and encourage those who can to give lifesaving blood to do so to a person who needs it. This can be done by hosting a blood drive or challenging friends and family to pledge blood or platelets. 

The American Red Cross strives to maintain a sufficient blood supply by providing blood products, including for rare blood types, to hospitals 24/7. But, they can’t do it without your help. Here are three easy ways that you can help the American Red Cross with their mission: 

  • Make an appointment to donate blood or platelets. 
  • Ask people you know to donate with you.
  • Spread awareness! Share a selfie while donating, share about American Red Cross on social media, or even share a personal testimony about how your life has been impacted by someone who took the step to donate blood.  

American Red Cross employee Maya Franklin told SHARE Charlotte, “It’s heartwarming to meet with families who have been given more time with their loved ones through the selflessness of a stranger taking time to donate blood… It’s a rewarding experience to drive forward the mission of the American Red Cross through neighbors and strangers who are everyday heroes in our community.” 

We agree, Maya. And we think you’ll agree with Maya too. Learn more about the American Red Cross and give giving blood a chance. 

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