
Some call it stories. Others call it a blog. But here you will find nuggets of goodness to use and -- you guessed it -- SHARE!

Principles of Generosity Threaded Across Generations

Principles of Generosity Threaded Across Generations

Black philanthropists share their perspectives on giving for social change

  Written by Rosalyn Allison-Jacobs  

Black philanthropy comprises a rich and varied tapestry -- as divergent as its people, the origins of its inspiration, and its manifestations in giving. Frequently rooted in bonds of family and community, expressions of giving encompass the full spectrum of time, talent, and treasures.

#SpotlightOnCLT: Girl Scouts Hornets' Nest Council


The Hornets' Nest is not your mother's Girl Scout council — or maybe it is. The Girl Scouts have been blazing trails since 1912, when founder Juliette Gordon Low started a movement to redefine what was possible for girls everywhere. The nearly 12,000 girls served by our local council continue to redefine what is possible for themselves and the communities they will someday lead. 

#SpotlightOnCLT: Right Moves for Youth

Written by Amy Andrews  

Right Moves For Youth (RMFY) provides students in the greater Charlotte area the support and guidance they need to succeed by leveraging positive and long-lasting relationships. Using a school-based model, RMFY provides youth services and group mentoring to empower students to graduate from high school and set the stage for what comes next. 

#SpotlightOnCLT: Black Philanthropy Month

In late 2019 our SHARE Charlotte team began planning our themed Spotlight content for the upcoming year, and we knew we wanted to feature Black Philanthropy Month in August. However, as we looked around the room at our six white faces we realized that while we had the platform and the channels to host a big conversation, it was obvious that a celebration of Black Philanthropy Month was not ours to lead. We knew it would be inauthentic without the perspective, leadership and voices of Black community leaders and philanthropists. 

Bank of America: Showing Heart by doing GOOD 


SHARE Charlotte is proud to partner with many generous organizations as part of our community-wide giving promotions, and our recent partnership with Bank of America during our annual summertime Shop for GOOD was no exception. For several years, Bank of America has championed SHARE Charlotte’s Shop for GOOD promotions and encouraged our city to underwrite the needs of the nonprofits by purchasing the items from the charities’ Amazon wish lists.  

#SpotlightOnCLT: Southminster

Written by Amy Andrews

For over thirty years, Southminster has been a leader in the field of aging, providing innovative living solutions and care at their home campus on Park Road. Two years ago, Tracy McGinnis, Southminster’s Director of Philanthropy, saw an opportunity for Southminster to help in developing and expanding programming to seniors living at The Retreat at Renaissance West.

#SpotlightOnCLT: Christopher's House of Refuge

Founded in 2013, Christopher’s House of Refuge works tirelessly to provide 24-hour affordable housing and health care to elderly and disabled individuals. 

Executive Director of Christopher's House of Refuge, Paula Dallas-Speight, shared an inspiring story with the SHARE Charlotte team about the impact the organization had on the lives of one family in particular. 

Share With Us!

We have so much great news to share from our nonprofit partners about their amazing work. But, we'd love to hear from you. Let us know if you have stories you'd like to tell and we'll make you a guest blogger!!