#SpotlightOnCLT: Volunteerism

SHARE Charlotte's #SpotlightOnCLT: Volunteerism

Each month, SHARE Charlotte, in collaboration with local nonprofits and business partners, shines a light on a cause or "theme" of the month. This #SpotlightOnCLT series helps highlight nonprofits, show you easy ways to get involved, and lifts the voice of neighbors and community members doing great work.

April's #SpotlightOnCLT is all about Volunteerism. 

SHARE Charlotte's Guide to Volunteering

SHARE Charlotte’s Guide to Volunteering

Why do we volunteer?

Volunteering brings us joy as we assist our neighbors and witness the positive impact our efforts have on others' lives. Plus, it strengthens community bonds and gives donors an up-close look at the issues and challenges many of their neighbors are facing.

Why do nonprofits need volunteers?

Earth Day Volunteer Opportunities and Events

Our planet is an amazing place and we need to help it thrive. Each year on April 22nd, more than a billion people celebrate Earth Day to take action to help protect our planet from pollution, plant trees or clean up rivers.

Here locally there are many nonprofits who are working tirelessly to help protect our community and create a sustainable future for Charlotte.

Here is a list of volunteer opportunities and Earth Day events:

Environmental Summit with SHARE Charlotte

Environmental Summit Recap

Charlotte is filled with beautiful trees, lakes and wildlife and we have amazing nonprofit organizations that work tirelessly to protect these resources for our community and its citizens.  

As Charlotte continues to grow the collaboration between corporations and nonprofits will become critical to growing in a sustainable way that will allow for the growth as well as protect and preserve our natural resources.

Thompson Child and Family Focus: A #SpotlightOnCLT Foster Care Story

#SpotlightOnCLT Thompson - Strengthening children, families, and communities.

SHARE Charlotte’s #SpotlightOnCLT is a monthly content series, focusing on one cause, mission, or topic, helping to bring to light nonprofits, organizations, leaders, and volunteers that are doing great work in our Queen City. We’re highlighting nonprofits you may not know are your neighbor, and showing you easy ways to get involved.

SHARE Charlotte's #SpotlightOnCLT: Foster Care

SHARE Charlotte’s #SpotlightOnCLT: Foster Care

#SpotlightOnCLT is SHARE Charlotte’s monthly content series that highlights a different cause or issue each month (often referred to as the "theme" of the month). This series allows us to explore the crucial work being done in that particular arena by our local nonprofit partners.