Where's SHARE - Week 3
Every day across Charlotte there are families in need. Our Non-Profit of the Week works to make a difference in their lives.
Check out the video above and see if you can guess..."Where's SHARE?"
Every day across Charlotte there are families in need. Our Non-Profit of the Week works to make a difference in their lives.
Check out the video above and see if you can guess..."Where's SHARE?"
We get to work with some amazing folks in Charlotte (some are more furry than others). The great organization in the video above is our Non-Profit of the Week.
Can you guess who it is? Watch the video then visit SHARE Charlotte for the answer!
Wondering what we've been up to? Over the past few months we've been all over Charlotte hanging out with some awesome Non-Profits - like the one in the video below! Can you guess where we are? Watch the super-short video, take your best shot, then check out the Non-Profit of the Week's profile to see if you're right!
Welcome to our blog. It's a work in progress. It's where you can find out what's happening with SHARE Charlotte and dig deeper into some amazing opportunities to connect with your community. But we're more about listening than talking, so let us know what you'd like to see here! Make sure to check back early next week to see our first video post!
We have so much great news to share from our nonprofit partners about their amazing work. But, we'd love to hear from you. Let us know if you have stories you'd like to tell and we'll make you a guest blogger!!