Smarty SHARE: Junior Achievement

In case you missed it, here's one of our popular Smarty Sunday SHARE posts from March:

  • “The object of teaching a child is to enable him to get along without a teacher.” ― Elbert Hubbard

Twenty sets of eyes watched me walk up the center of the classroom, clutching my Junior Achievement materials and wondering what I’d gotten myself into. My first few moments as a JA volunteer were, I’ll admit, a little scary. Why? Because I’d never done it before.

Smarty SHARE: Farmer Foodshare

In case you missed it, here's one of our popular Smarty Sunday SHARE posts from March:

  • It’s difficult to think anything but pleasant thoughts while eating a homegrown tomato. ~Lewis Grizzard

I love hanging out at farmers markets, surrounded by fresh, locally grown produce and jostling elbows with people who no doubt are planning to turn the gorgeous greens in their baskets into something amazing for dinner. Although I’m fairly clueless about the art of cooking, I just feel healthier – and smarter – when I’m there.

Smarty SHARE: Love INC

In case you missed it, here's one of our popular Smarty Sunday SHARE posts from March:

  • You can only perceive real beauty in a person as they get older. — Anouk Aimee

If you (or your kids) have a special place in your heart for serving senior citizens, you’ll probably want to hear about the programs at Love INC.

Summer, sandals and school supplies

Spring is here and summer is just around the corner. It's time to think about summer camps, sandals supplies? Definitely. In fact, this is the time when the folks at Classroom Central need supplies most, as supplies run low even though students are still in school and still in need.

Here's the current wish list. If you'd like to help, visit the Classroom Central profile to get connected! 

1. Pencils

2. Filler Paper

3. Glue Sticks

How to find community service volunteer opportunities

Looking for community service opportunities on SHARE? Here's how to find them quickly:

- Select "who" you would like to help. In the example above we've selected "Kids." (Tip: you can select multiple categories at the same time to search the entire Collection of Good for opportunities!)

- Select the type of community service you're looking for (either student or court-ordered).

- Click "Update"

Start Volunteering in Four Easy Steps

Volunteering doesn’t need to be overwhelming, scary or difficult. You just need to start. Answer these four questions and you'll be ready to go.

1. Who would you like to help?

There are hundreds of nonprofits in Charlotte helping a variety of people and causes. First, decide “who” you'd like to help. You can focus on kids, animals, the environment, seniors, the military, or any group or cause that’s meaningful to you. Pick the “who” first and that will help narrow your search.

2. How much time do you have?

Your Favorite Post from February

We had fun with this post about Let Me Run, and it looks like you did too! Here's the Readers' Favorite from February:

“For everyone of us that succeeds, it’s because there’s somebody there to show you the way.” ~ Oprah Winfrey

If you’re the parent of a boy, or there’s a boy in your life you absolutely adore, then Ashley Armistead’s words will ring true. Let Me Run