Your Next Adventure

Close your eyes and think about this: what does a volunteer do? Answer phones? Serve meals? Build a house?

You're right. Volunteering your time can involve all of those things. But it can also be a completely different experience. In fact, there's really no end to the variety of volunteer roles available in our community. 

You're Already Home

When I was a kid we moved from one side of town to another. Not a long distance, but close enough to a city bus stop so that my mom's commute to work would be much easier. Still, it seemed like a major move to a 7 year old. To help us get used to the idea, every time our travels  took us past our soon-to-be new neighborhood, Mom would say "See? If we lived there we would already be home."


GUEST POST: Need some inspiration? Our friends at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Charlotte shared this post with us about their "Big of the Year" Keith Anderson. If you're interested in making a difference like Keith has, BBBSGC is always looking for more volunteers. It only takes a few hours a week to make a difference in the life of a child!


Find Your Bliss...

Volunteering in Charlotte? Here are three steps to make sure it's a perfect fit:

1. Find your passion. You've heard it before - but it's true. You're going to invest time into this gig, so it needs to be something you really believe in.