Your Next Adventure
You're right. Volunteering your time can involve all of those things. But it can also be a completely different experience. In fact, there's really no end to the variety of volunteer roles available in our community.
Help, hope and healing. This organization provides support for grieving children and parents here in Charlotte. Where's SHARE? Watch the video above, then visit our Non-Profit of the Week to learn more.
Think history is old news? Think again. This organization makes Charlotte's past come alive. Where's SHARE? Watch the video above, then visit our Non-Profit of the Week to find out.
When I was a kid we moved from one side of town to another. Not a long distance, but close enough to a city bus stop so that my mom's commute to work would be much easier. Still, it seemed like a major move to a 7 year old. To help us get used to the idea, every time our travels took us past our soon-to-be new neighborhood, Mom would say "See? If we lived there we would already be home."
Great photography. Independent film screenings. One of the best outreach programs in the country. Where's SHARE? Watch the video above, then visit our Non-Profit of the Week for the answer.
GUEST POST: Need some inspiration? Our friends at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Charlotte shared this post with us about their "Big of the Year" Keith Anderson. If you're interested in making a difference like Keith has, BBBSGC is always looking for more volunteers. It only takes a few hours a week to make a difference in the life of a child!
Where can veterans and their families turn for support? To this organization! Where's SHARE? Watch the video above then check out our Non-Profit of the Week for the answer.
What makes you strong and resilient? What makes you persevere? This organization can help you find out. Where's SHARE? Watch the video above, then visit the Non-Profit of the Week to learn more.