Behind the Scenes

Filming our Where's SHARE series of videos is one of the best parts of our jobs! We get to meet people in our community that are brave (standing in front of a camera takes guts!), patient (it usually doesn’t happen in just one take), and committed (each of them works every day to make the world just a little better).

What the kids are teaching me...

Here I sit, in beautiful Vermont, during one of the most beautiful (weather) weeks they’ve had all year.  The problem is I’m myself, while my family and friends are out skiing.  I had shoulder surgery a couple weeks ago...enough said!

The kids come back to the hotel room every afternoon (after 6 hrs of skiing!) saying, “why can’t we keep skiing?”, “that was so awesome”, “Mom, I skied a BLUE!”.  I’m in awe of these kids (ages 8-15).  They are so free of restraint, fear and “what-ifs”.

Family-Friendly Opportunities

In February my family signed up to wear red aprons and silly hats, carry noisemakers and thank total strangers as they handed us money. This was an easy gig - and one that was right up my 10 year old son's alley. It was also to help the Ronald McDonald House of Charlotte with their fundraiser at the recent ACN conference. 

I found this opportunity in an obvious way, given where I work - on SHARE Charlotte. And it was free, easy and local (hey - we should use that in our marketing).

Where's SHARE - Week 3


Every day across Charlotte there are families in need. Our Non-Profit of the Week works to make a difference in their lives.

Check out the video above and see if you can guess..."Where's SHARE?"

Where's SHARE - Week 2


We get to work with some amazing folks in Charlotte (some are more furry than others). The great organization in the video above is our Non-Profit of the Week.

Can you guess who it is? Watch the video then visit SHARE Charlotte for the answer!