
Some call it stories. Others call it a blog. But here you will find nuggets of goodness to use and -- you guessed it -- SHARE!

Jason Harper Takes Nonprofits for a Ride in the DO GOOD Karaoke Truck

DO GOOD Week 2019 may be over, but the need for volunteers is constant. 

Eight brave SHARE Charlotte nonprofit partners took a spin in the DO GOOD Truck with FOX46's Jason Harper to share what they do and how you can give your time to help them. Check out the short clips for a quick taste, and the full length videos for a GOOD laugh. 

First up was SHARE Charlotte's very own Marketing Ninja, Caroline Miller!

Spotlight Series 2019

Each month, SHARE Charlotte refocuses it's Spotlight Series on a different cause or issue effecting our city and shines a light on our nonprofit partners who work within that sector to strengthen Charlotte. The first step to driving out darkness is to shine a light on it, and our Spotlight Series aims to do just that while also showcasing which of our nonprofit partners are doing the hard work that will lead to a more informed, compassionate, and welcoming city.

Volunteering Remotely Is A Real Thing. Here’s How.

Volunteering Remotely Is A Real Thing. Here’s How.
Written by Amy Andrews

Do you want to make a difference but don’t see how you can fit it volunteering? Maybe you haven’t pursued opportunities because you travel for work or only have free moments late at night after your kids are in bed. Well, here’s a little known gem - you can volunteer from home. Yes, you read that correctly - make an impact in your community from home.  

SHAREable: 9 Unique Ways for Teens to Give Their Time

SHAREable: 9 Unique Ways for Teens to Give Their Time

Let’s face it- service hours can sometimes feel like that thing you “have to do” with your free time, instead of that thing you are looking forward to doing in your spare time. But, what if you used your service hours as a time to explore your own interests and strengthen your skill set while doing GOOD? Sounds like a win-win to us.

A Few GOOD Questions with YMCA

DO GOOD Week would not be possible without the generosity of our official partners! While the YMCA of Greater Charlotte is a  501c3 themselves, they are one organization that knows the importance of the nonprofit community coming together to support each other in their efforts to make Charlotte stronger.

Hear about it in their own words with this quick Q&A with the YMCA:

A Few GOOD Questions with Thompson

DO GOOD Week would not be possible without the generosity of our official partners! Thompson Child and Family Focus is the longest standing nonprofit in Charlotte and while they themselves are a 501c3, the Thompson staff are encouraged and supported in their efforts to contribute to causes outside of Thompson’s own mission- they are even given Volunteer Time Off (VTO). Now THAT is an organization that knows a rising tide lifts all boats.

DO GOOD Week: Five Benefits of Volunteering

Volunteering is a Win-Win, Reap the Benefits
Written by Amy Andrews

For many of us, finding time in a busy schedule to volunteer can feel like a luxury. We may want to do good and help others but it feels just beyond our grasp. “I’ll volunteer when this big project at work is over.” Or, “I’ll volunteer when my kids are older.” It is easy to come up with reasons to just shelve it and move on with an ever-growing to-do list.

Duke Energy Powers CLT's Local Celebration of National Volunteer Week

DO GOOD Week would not be possible without the generosity of our partners! Duke Energy is not only powering DO GOOD Week as our presenting partner, but they also do a whole of GOOD for the Charlotte community that you may not even know about! Read below to hear about it in their own words with a quick Q&A

A few GOOD questions with Duke Energy's Sarah Degnan and Dominique Johnson:

Share With Us!

We have so much great news to share from our nonprofit partners about their amazing work. But, we'd love to hear from you. Let us know if you have stories you'd like to tell and we'll make you a guest blogger!!