
Some call it stories. Others call it a blog. But here you will find nuggets of goodness to use and -- you guessed it -- SHARE!

#SpotlightOnCLT: Women's Health and Wellness

Women’s Health & Wellness


In honor of Women's History Month, SHARE Charlotte will be celebrating nonprofit organizations who focus specifically on Women's Health and Wellness, keeping the women of Charlotte safe, healthy, cared for and connected.

With the celebration of women’s achievements both past and present happening on a national scale in March, we are here to contribute to the conversation by highlighting the local organizations that serve women all year long.

SHAREable: Spring Cleaning? Donate to GOOD

Get Your Marie Kondo On: Where to take items you would like to repurpose for GOOD!


With the recent success of Marie Kondo’s hit Netflix series Tidying Up and her “if it doesn’t bring you joy, get rid of it” mentality going viral, it is a perfect time to get inspired to do some organizing out of your own and start Spring cleaning early. But wait- haven’t you heard- one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.

Don’t throw away those items that could still be of GOOD use to others- donate them to one of the organizations below!

#SpotlightOnCLT: Hemophilia of North Carolina Needs Your Support

Everyone needs support sometimes. No matter the challenge, banding together with other people who can encourage you through hard times is vital.

Medical struggles are no different. A community of people who understand and can provide support and advice is a key part of maintaining your sanity and morale through the ups and downs the medical roller coaster can send you on. This is especially true for people with bleeding disorders.

#SpotlightOnCLT: American Heart Association Talks Health Equity

When it comes to health, your ZIP code makes a bigger difference than your genetic code — especially in Charlotte, where people have a harder time rising out of poverty than in most other U.S. cities.

The American Heart Association wants to change this. In addition to their renowned research and signature charity events, AHA is determined to empower people in underserved Queen City communities with access to heart healthcare and prevention.

#SpotlightOnCLT: Present Age Ministries

Written by Grace Kennedy

Before I wrote this article, my understanding of human trafficking was limited to what I had seen in movies like Taken and Crash. Needless to say, I had a lot of learning to do.

Present Age Ministries opened my eyes to the reality of human trafficking. As a mother of a daughter and as a Charlottean, I was stunned to learn that it's prevalent, it's pervasive, and it's happening right in front of our eyes - to girls in every ZIP code in this community.

#SpotlightOnCLT: Human Trafficking, Victims in Plain Sight

Written by Holly Blackman

My daughter ran down the hill to the ice cream truck with her piggy bank tucked under her arm like a football, me a few paces behind her. Once I arrived a bit out of breath. I smiled at the two female neighbors and the man they were with. I’d seen them before, but never all at the same time.

Share With Us!

We have so much great news to share from our nonprofit partners about their amazing work. But, we'd love to hear from you. Let us know if you have stories you'd like to tell and we'll make you a guest blogger!!