
Some call it stories. Others call it a blog. But here you will find nuggets of goodness to use and -- you guessed it -- SHARE!

#AccessGrantedCLT: Where There is "Trial", There Does Not Have to be "Error"

Where There is “Trial,” There Does Not Have to be “Error”

How More Efficient Clinical Trials Can Make for More Affordable Healthcare

Contributed by: CliniSpan Health

It is imperative for our society to work together in order to make healthcare more accessible for every citizen from any background. For all of us to achieve equal access to healthcare, the outrageous costs must go down!

#AccessGrantedCLT: Why Uninsured Doesn't Have to Mean Unhealthy

No one should have to choose between eating dinner or going to the doctor. That's the philosophy driving these Charlotte-area nonprofits, all of which provide free or low-cost healthcare services to low-income families. 

Their services cover a broad spectrum of physical and emotional healthcare needs, but at the core they are all committed to empowering people to take care of their health without worrying about going into debt or not being able to feed their children.  

Read on, learn more, and spread the word!

#AccessGrantedCLT: Making Healthcare Possible for Families in Need


That’s how much a liver transplant costs.

And if you’ve ever found yourself stuck in a hospital bed, you know all too well how quickly costs add up. 

It seems like so much as asking your nurse for a Snickers bar these days will set you back a thousand bucks. And sadly, that’s not much of an exaggeration.

#52Tuesdays: ANSWER Scholarship - DeCora's Story

When "Back to School" Makes Dreams Come True

By Grace Kennedy

If you're a mom, back to school time probably means shopping for lunch boxes, scouring the school supply aisles for glue sticks, and helping your kids find the perfect outfit for the first day of school. But for a select group of moms in our area, going back to school means much more than that. 

August Spotlight Series: #AccessGrantedCLT

Presented by: Clinispan Health

This August, SHARE Charlotte’s Spotlight Series: #AccessGrantedCLT, presented by CliniSpan Health, will focus in on our local nonprofit partners who in some way make healthcare accessible to those who may otherwise not be able to receive the help they need. These nonprofit organizations grant accessibility to healthcare in a variety of ways such as by providing financial assistance, medical supplies and equipment, transportation, and free or low cost health clinics. 

SummerSHARE- Give GOOD Summer Memories to Children in Need

For me, summer digs up memories of barefoot ballet leaps over sprinklers in a sopping wet backyard, moms’ bottomless, waterproof pool bags with one billion pockets, late night cookouts where it seemed parents almost forgot bedtime ---- almost! Fireflies and boat rides at dusk on the lake. I think of watermelons being sliced, potato salad getting dished out, and hamburgers grilling. Never once did I have to question whether I was getting a meal. 

Share With Us!

We have so much great news to share from our nonprofit partners about their amazing work. But, we'd love to hear from you. Let us know if you have stories you'd like to tell and we'll make you a guest blogger!!