
Some call it stories. Others call it a blog. But here you will find nuggets of goodness to use and -- you guessed it -- SHARE!

Charlotte's Dual-Language Preschools Equipping Students for Future Success

"There's a study that shows if you don't have access to high-quality preschool, you start kindergarten 12-14 months behind," says Banu Valladares, executive director of Charlotte Bilingual Preschool. "If you start behind, then you're twice as likely to fail the reading test in third grade and if you don't pass that, you're four times as likely to drop out of high school."

Charlotte Needs a Literacy Rate Hike

Reading. For many, reading is something you’ve been doing for as long as you can remember. You learned to walk, you learned to talk, you learned to read. 

Unless you didn’t.

Unfortunately, not every child in third grade is ready to read classic authors like Beverly Cleary, Laura Ingalls Wilder or Roald Dahl or excel in other school subjects. In fact, only 39 percent of third graders in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools are reading at grade level.

#52tuesdays: Bottle Cap Group

During #GivingTuesdayCLT many local businesses joined in to support Charlotte’s nonprofits.

Bottle Cap Group, which owns nine local restaurants, stepped up in a big way last fall, each donating 10 percent of sales on Tuesday, Nov. 28 to a designated nonprofit. All American Pub (pictured) chose the Steve Smith Family Foundation as its recipient.

#52tuesdays: Body & Soul Senior Fitness

In Charlotte, 29 percent of adults aged 65 and over live alone and nearly 21 percent of Charlotte residents 60 and over receive food stamps. (U.S. Census, 2010)

How can we help this generation? Body & Soul Senior Fitness has implemented a great idea by working to keep Charlotte’s seniors active and social.

Body & Soul Senior Fitness works within local churches to provide a place for senior adults to grow physically stronger, meet new friends and find joy in daily living. 

#52tuesdays: Google Fiber

Faster. Fairer. Kinder. That’s how we at Google Fiber describe our gigabit speed internet service, but it is also a vision we have for the world.

Faster. We want individuals to have the ability to quickly and easily make a positive impact on issues that matter most to them.

Fairer. We seek to create communities where everyone has a chance to succeed.

Kinder. We imagine a society where generosity and compassion are the norm.

#52tuesdays: Teen Health Connection

This year, Teen Health Connection is celebrating 25 years of service to teens and families in the Charlotte community. Over the last 25 years, the organization's work has stayed true to its mission: to improve the health of adolescents by providing physical and mental healthcare services, education, advocacy and research through connections with teens, parents and the community.

Charlotte's SHAREheroes Live Among Us and We Think They're Awesome

Volunteering makes the world go round. It just does. By definition to volunteer is to freely offer to do something. That's it. Holding a door open for someone, helping a neighbor with a project, taking a meal to a family with a new baby all fit the bill and are all efforts greatly appreciated. But there are those who work -- for free -- right here in Charlotte to make our city better for those around them. These are our SHAREheroes and we'd like you to meet them.

Follow us on Instagram as we unveil new SHAREheroes throughout the month.

Smarty SHARE: Shepherd's Center of Charlotte

*Photo provided by Shepherd's Center of Charlotte

As 40-somethings in the midst of our own parenting journeys, my husband and I are taking on a growing responsibility in caring for our own parents. My parents relocated to Charlotte several years ago and are thankfully healthy and active. My mother-in-law who requires extra care will also be moving to Charlotte this summer.

Smarty SHARE: Party With a Purpose

*Photo provided by Hope Haven.

In my 14 years of parenting, one aspect I have yet to master is the dreaded birthday party. There’s the cleaning — if you’re hosting. The entertainment — and subsequent cost. The food. And please, let’s not forget the treat bags. Kids who attend your party will have fun. With any luck, your child will remember the party and then you’ll spend the next 364 days trying to one-up yourself.

Share With Us!

We have so much great news to share from our nonprofit partners about their amazing work. But, we'd love to hear from you. Let us know if you have stories you'd like to tell and we'll make you a guest blogger!!