
Some call it stories. Others call it a blog. But here you will find nuggets of goodness to use and -- you guessed it -- SHARE!

#AnimalsofCLT: So You Think You Can Bark?

Written by: Grant Stimmel 


Quick, what are you doing on February 1st? 

Settling in for another night of Netflix? 


You’re going to have to watch House of Cards another night because February 1st plays host to the first ever So You Think You Can Bark. An outrageously fun night of pup-inspired entertainment benefiting Charlotte’s own Stand For Animals.

Parachute Media Does GOOD for the #AnimalsofCLT

Parachute Media is a full-service digital marketing agency who recently brought their services to the growing city of Charlotte. From social media and digital advertising to video and content creation, they are passionate about telling stories that align with your business and have a big impact on your target audience. 

Something else they’re passionate about? Animals...which is why they chose to sponsor this month’s #AnimalsofCLT series with SHARE Charlotte.

#AnimalsofCLT: Expand Your Family Tree this Holiday Season

Expand Your Family Tree this Holiday Season 

The human-animal bond is unlike any other. We don’t speak the same language, yet that proves to be no obstacle for the invisible tie that binds us with our pets. It’s a relationship unlike any other. Despite all our differences, animals and humans bring out the best in each other and the Humane Society of Charlotte brings this reality to homes across the city and beyond every day. 

Spotlight Series: #AnimalsofCLT


Dogs, horses and raptors- oh my!

This December, SHARE Charlotte’s Spotlight Series: #AnimalsofCLT will focus in on our local nonprofit partners who care for the animals of Charlotte that are in need of shelter, food, rehabilitation or maybe even a companion. The nonprofit organizations we are highlighting this month serve the #AnimalsofCLT in a variety of different ways, all equally important to the wellbeing of our furry, feathered, and fanged friends. 

#EverydayPhilanthropist: Kindness in Action

Some people give back by helping to build houses, other people serve meals, and some people knit.

SHARE Charlotte received an unexpected package filled to the brim with hand knitted scarves and hats and no explanation except a simple note that read:

“Share Charlotte, Please give these hats and scared to the homeless and the needy. I am an 88 year old knitter and do not know the charities who can use them. Sincerely, Elaine.”

An Introduction to the #EverydayPhilanthropist




noun: the desire to promote the welfare of others, the love of humanity. 

synonyms:  benevolence, generosity, humanitarianism, public-spiritedness, altruism, socially
conscience, charity, charitableness, brotherly love, fellow feeling, magnanimity,
munificence, liberality, largesse, open handedness, bountifulness, beneficence,
unselfishness, humanity, kindness, kind heartedness, compassion; 

#RecoveringHope: Charlotte Rescue Mission

Charlotte Rescue Mission provides free, Christian-based residential recovery programs for those struggling with the disease of addiction. Their mission is to help men and women achieve long-term sobriety while also helping them find employment, stable housing, and ways to build and maintain healthy relationships. They are there for those who need a little help #RecoveringHope.

#RecoveringHope: Hope Haven


“I used and abused drugs for more than thirty years... I lost everything – my home, my family, my job. I lost me.”

Those are the words of MP, a lifelong drug addict who came to Hope Haven with absolutely nothing.

He’s now one of their biggest success stories

And he’s not alone. Hope Haven has helped thousands of Charlotte families break the vicious cycle of drug addiction since 1976.