
Some call it stories. Others call it a blog. But here you will find nuggets of goodness to use and -- you guessed it -- SHARE!

Meet DreamKey Partners for October's #SpotlightOnCLT

The Issue

This month, we’re raising awareness about a critical issue facing Charlotte - the need for affordable housing. Charlotte has seen significant challenges related to affordable housing in recent years, including the fact that the median cost of rent rose 30% between 2015-2020, significantly outpacing income growth. 

Here are some additional facts from Charlotte's Housing & Homelessness Dashboard related to Mecklenburg County:

Volunteerism Ignites Employee Engagement at our Lunch & Learn

Corporate Volunteer Council Lunch & Learn Recap Blog

Research shows that 71% of private-sector companies are using volunteerism as a way to unite their workforce and 79% of employees who volunteer are more likely to be satisfied with their job. However, the practical applications of how to do this can be hard to implement within corporations. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) leaders have a lot on their plates trying to steward employee engagement across thousands of employees both nationally and globally. 

2024 #YPMixerCLT Recap

We know Young Professionals have so much to offer to local nonprofits with their time, talents and passions!

The #YPMixerCLT began 11 years ago by two young professionals who wanted to expand their networks and find ways to get involved with local nonprofits. The event grew and grew and five years ago SHARE Charlotte took over the production of this annual gathering. 

SHARE Charlotte Celebrates Nonprofits with Goodie Awards

Since 2016, our Goodie Awards have been an annual way to recognize outstanding accomplishments by our nonprofit partners. With more than 740 local nonprofit partners, selecting the winners each year has become increasingly challenging.

This year, we took a slightly different approach and asked our nonprofit partners to nominate their peers for awards. We were floored at the response!

U.S. Bank is Supporting Charlotte's Next Generation of Philanthropists

For the fifth consecutive year, U.S. Bank is proud to sponsor the SHARE Charlotte #YPMixerCLT. This annual gathering brings together young professionals and Charlotte nonprofits, allowing the next generation of philanthropists to network with each other and the organizations that make Charlotte a better place to live, work, and play.

Duke Energy "Power of Giving" Volunteer Fair


SHARE Charlotte was thrilled to partner with Duke Energy for the second year on their “Power of Giving” Volunteer Fair. This on-campus event creates opportunities for employees to find volunteer opportunities, board positions or other engagement opportunities with the nonprofits that Duke currently supports, as well as meet new organizations. 

Share With Us!

We have so much great news to share from our nonprofit partners about their amazing work. But, we'd love to hear from you. Let us know if you have stories you'd like to tell and we'll make you a guest blogger!!